Thursday, October 8, 2015

Service learning reflection

This past Wednesday I went to the Lord's Acre to help volunteer in the gardens with my class. Initially I didn't think I would enjoy going to a garden because I've never had a green thumb, but this experience was one I truly enjoyed. The Lord's Acre is a non-profit organization that helps provide vegetables and other nutritious items to people in need in the community. With all the work we were doing I could never imagine only two people completing the tasks we did. We were weeding, harvesting sweet potatoes, and cutting down okra. It was all a lot of fun and it was time well spent. The people that run  the Lord's Acre are very sweet, down to earth individuals who only want to help the                                                                                            community. It was great getting the opportunity                                                                                      to meet them and ask them questions like why                                                                                         they started volunteering there. I learned a lot                                                                                          from this trip and would love the chance to go                                                                                             back and volunteer again in the spring.               
Gardening in a purse:Just one of the many ways they showed us you can garden.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you enjoyed it, Kylee! I always love going out there to help out :) No matter how stressed I am, it always relaxes me to dig in the dirt a bit.
